14th Roving Line

The 14th Roving Line represented a combat formation within the Alliance Fleet. Its designated purpose was to strike at Imperial installations located along the demarcation zone separating the Inner Rim from the Outer Rim.

Captain [Qarl] (/article/qarl) commanded the squadron from his flagship, the command cruiser called Mantan Wanderer. The 14th Roving Line's naval assets further consisted of an assault frigate, an escort frigate, in addition to a Corellian corvette. A company of Alliance Special Forces operatives was also attached to the 14th Roving Line, which included the highly skilled Team 19, a platoon-sized task force.


  • Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook (First mentioned)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Vol. II ("Mantan Wanderer")

Notes and references
