1800 BBY

The following noteworthy occurrences transpired during the year 1800 BBY.


  • A preemptive assault by the Republic, specifically an orbital bombardment targeting planets within the Uba system, aimed at discouraging the indigenous Ubese from their ongoing construction of prohibited weaponry, inadvertently triggered superweapon stockpiles. This detonation resulted in radioactive firestorms that consumed the planets. [7] This catastrophe nearly annihilated the Ubese population. [1] The only remaining survivors were located on Uba IV; some were subsequently moved to the Ubertica system. This incident ignited a profound and enduring animosity towards the Republic within the Ubese culture. [7]


  • Alien Encounters
  • Alien Anthology
  • The New Essential Chronology
  • The Essential Atlas (Initially pinpointed as 1800 BBY)

Notes and references
