2nd Platoon

2nd Platoon functioned as one of four platoons of clone troopers within the Bacta Company of the Grand Army of the Republic. This occurred during the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

The 2nd Platoon was jointly commanded by Barr, a clone trooper lieutenant, and a clone sergeant major. The platoon itself was composed of thirty-two clone troopers along with four clone trooper medics. The platoon exercised command over four squads, one of which was Talon Squad. Clone trooper sergeant Green led Talon Squad, which consisted of nine troopers.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of 2nd Platoon appeared in "Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic," a reference article spanning eight pages. Ryan Kaufman and Karen Traviss authored the article for the eighty-fourth edition of Star Wars Insider, which IDG Entertainment published on September 26, 2005.


Notes and references
