There were many uses of the number 327. Below is a list of them.
- , a WED-15 Treadwell droid who served aboard the Venator-class Star DestroyerTranquility
- , a legion of clone troopers.
- Corridor 327E-6, a location on the Death Star
- , the deck officer at Rishi Station
- , the Death Star docking bay the Millennium Falcon was docked inside
- , a droid on Takodana
- , an IG-86 sentinel droid working for Ziro Desilijic Tiure
- The New Republic had a total of 327 senators in 5 ABY.
- , the landing platform on Cloud City used by the Millennium Falcon
- , a classified Imperial work order code
- , a model of podracer
- The within the Hunters of the Outer RimMos Espa Podrace battlefield on Vespaara has 327 displayed on their street sign
- , the deck officer at Rishi Station
- , who was called by this clone trooper serial number when using the alias "Lucky"
- , a WED-15 Treadwell serving aboard the Venator-class Star DestroyerTranquility
- , a vulture droid of the DFS Starfighter Squadron assigned to the Saak'ak
- , an IG-86 sentinel droid belonging to Ziro the Hutt
- , a legion of clone troopers
- on Port Tower Tarkin-12
- , the location that the Millennium Falcon docked with the Death Star I, and its control room
- , a station from where Tydirium was captured
- , the landing platform on Cloud City where the Millennium Falcon landed
- , a fleet of ImperialCR90 corvettes
- , and , a trio of Rebel CR90 corvettes
- , a royal starship model fitted with a
- , a type of personal airspeeder found on Coruscant
- , a podracer model created by the Vulptereen