- Beginning of the Rakghoul pandemic.
- Attacks on Hutt Space
- Annexation of neutral systems
- Battle of Karagga's Palace
- Tion Hegemony rakghoul outbreak
- Mission to the Lost Island
- Battle for the Black Hole
- Battle of Denova
- Raid on Asation
- Invasion of Belsavis
- Operation Clean Sweep
- Operation Foe-Smasher
- Battle in the New Cov ice field
- Battle in the Bimmiel asteroid field
- Attack on the Far Cradle
- Attack on Regnant Station
- Attack on Kabal Station
- Attack on Ardis Outpost
- Battle above Hypori
- Battle above Lorta
- On Asation
- On Kaon
- Darth Ordrem in the Baros system
- Harmon Torvix on Corellia
- Rimark in the Thanium sector
- Sannus Lorrick on Ord Mantell