
A-4P0 was a librarian droid who served the Jedi Order as an analyst in the Archives of the Jedi Temple on the planet Tython during the Galactic Republic's Cold War with the reconstituted Sith Empire. A-4P0 was stationed in the Archives during the uprising of the native Flesh Raiders in 3643 BBY, and the droid answered the comm when the apprentice of Jedi Master Orgus Din contacted the Archives for information on the ancient machine known as the Forge. When the Padawan told A-4P0 of how Master Din had been captured by the Dark Jedi Bengel Morr and how the Nautolan had taken Din to the Forge, A-4P0 transmitted the young Jedi information on the location and warned the apprentice that the Temple Masters were occupied striking at other Flesh Raider camps and would not be able to aid the Padawan in time.

A-4P0 first appeared in the massively multiplayer online role-playing video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, released by BioWare and LucasArts in 2011. His only appearance is in hologram form during the Jedi Knight mission "Weapon of the Jedi" on Tython, where he gives the player the location of the Forge.

Behind the scenes

A-4P0 first appeared in the massively multiplayer online role-playing video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, released by BioWare and LucasArts in 2011. His only appearance is in hologram form during the Jedi Knight mission "Weapon of the Jedi" on Tython, where he gives the player the location of the Forge.



