AC1-series surveillance droid

Standard AC1 units carried a 360-degree holocam with a powerful holotransceiver that were designed to stream live footage to a remote operator's holodisplay, and were also capable of carrying a multi-optic imaging package with passive low-light, thermal imaging, infrared, ultrasonic, digital optical, X-ray, and various other sensors. Further, they were equipped with a turret-mounted light blaster pistol for defensive and security purposes.

They were known to be quite unintelligent and were programmed with little personality or initiative. Security officers that were placed in command of patrol groups of AC1 units were known to pilot them remotely via a control board and voice commands. When left to their own devices, AC1s would patrol their respective locations and reported regularly to their controller, and would proceed to follow their target at a distance, recording and observing what movements they made until a security team could arrive.

The Imperial Military made heavy utilization of the AC1-series, which could be found in almost all Imperial bases, camps, installations, and even space stations, and during the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Alliance Intelligence agents discovered that, as a result of a previously unknown exploit in their programming, AC1 droids could be sliced into and taken control of with relative ease.


  • Cyphers and Masks
