During the Invasion of Naboo, after fighting the Trade Federation Droid Army, the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi travel to Tatooine. They meet Anakin Skywalker, who agrees to help win the Boonta Eve podrace so they can repair their ship. The Jedi then meet the Jedi High Council, who refuses to train the boy. They then return to Naboo to fight in the invasion and face Darth Maul. Jinn is struck down, but Kenobi defeats the Sith Lord. Skywalker also joins the battle, blowing up the Trade Federation starship.
Skywalker then grows up to be a Jedi but is caught up in the machinations of Darth Sidious. He and his friends become trapped in the Petranaki Arena with beasts. Skywalker continues to grow stronger, even defeating Count Dooku. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, secretly Darth Sidious, corrupts Skywalker. Kenobi tried to stop him, but Skywalker attacks him. The Jedi known as Skywalker was then lost. Amidala is heartbroken, but her last act is to give birth to their children. Skywalker is reborn as Vader, and the twins were safely scattered.
- Star Wars Galactic Storybook