Aaph Koden

Aaph Koden was a Zabrak female who was an Army Lieutenant and carbineer of the Rebel Alliance. She operated out of the town of Anchorhead on Tatooine during the Galactic Civil War. By the time following the Battle of Yavin, Koden learned of a Force-sensitive woman named Talia Reede. Eager to protect Reede from the Galactic Empire, Koden depended on a fellow Rebel to safeguard the Force-sensitive and bring her back to Anchorhead to begin her Jedi training.


Aaph Koden was an Army Lieutenant and carbineer of the Rebel Alliance who was stationed in the town of Anchorhead on the planet Tatooine, where she lived as a townsperson. By the time following the Battle of Yavin, Koden and her fellow Rebels discovered the existence of a potential Force-sensitive woman named Talia Reede. Because the Galactic Empire treated such Force-users as fugitives, Koden deemed it prudent to deliver a message to Reede in the form of a datadisc, warning her of her potential power, and urging her to reach out to the Rebellion to pursue Jedi training.

Lieutenant Koden enlisted the aid of a fellow Rebel to deliver the message to Reede just outside of town. Although Reede was skeptical of her potential Force-sensitivity, she agreed to consider the Alliance's offer. Koden soon learned that the Empire had also discovered Reede's Force potential, and that they had dispatched Imperial troops to kill her. However, Reede was not trained in the Force and only had the potential to use it. Fearing for Reede's life, Koden employed the fellow Rebel who had aided her earlier with protecting Reede from the Imperial assassins.

An Imperial stormtrooper commander and two other stormtroopers scoured the desert around town, but before they could locate Reede, the Rebel sent by Koden confronted them and killed them in an ensuing firefight. With the threat seemingly eliminated, Koden instructed the Rebel to find Reede and bring her safely back to Anchorhead. However, as soon as the Rebel approached Reede, the two of them were suddenly ambushed by three Imperial sandtroopers. Committed to protecting the helpless Force-sensitive, the Rebel successfully managed to kill them, and escorted Reede back to Koden in Anchorhead. The lieutenant was pleased to see Reede safely returned, and she commended her fellow compatriot for saving the life of a potential Jedi Knight.

Personality and traits

Lieutenant Aaph Koden, stationed in Anchorhead

Lieutenant Aaph Koden, stationed in Anchorhead

Aaph Koden was a fair-skinned Zabrak female with brown hair and brown-colored eyes. As she possessed a wary disposition, she was usually not surprised when others let her down. However, Koden was capable of developing a certain level of trust in others when needed.

Such was the case with the Rebel subordinate who she had entrusted with rescuing Reede. To Koden, this particular Rebel operative was one of the few people she could trust, and she commended the individual for being both courageous and adaptable. Koden was an upbeat individual, but if someone were to decline a task assigned by her, she would be quick to express her disappointment by accusing such people as being uncourageous.


At the time of her service in Anchorhead, she wore a gray formal shirt adorned with an insignia representing the rank of lieutenant in the Alliance Army. She also wore black uniform boots, and gray dress slacks beneath a brown and white short wrap skirt. As a carbineer, Lieutenant Koden kept a blaster carbine as her primary weapon. She also possessed pirate weapons.

Behind the scenes

Aaph Koden appeared as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. Players who performed a series of quests for Koden had to deliver a datadisc to Talia Reede, rescue her from stormtroopers, and escort her safely back to Anchorhead. Although the player could choose not to do Koden's quests, this article assumes 100% game completion.




