The genesis of the Aaroun is found in Alien Chronicles, a science-fiction trilogy authored by Deborah Chester, published by Ace Books, and commissioned by Lucasfilm Ltd. The Aaroun were illustrated for Alien Chronicles by Terryl Whitlatch, who designed creatures for the Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition and Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, and went on to illustrate The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide.
The genesis of the Aaroun is found in Alien Chronicles, a science-fiction trilogy authored by Deborah Chester, published by Ace Books, and commissioned by Lucasfilm Ltd. The Aaroun were illustrated for Alien Chronicles by Terryl Whitlatch, who designed creatures for the Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition and Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, and went on to illustrate The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide.
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- The Unknown Regions