Adriphar was a Mon Calamari and one of the Mon Calamari Rangers who protected their people during the Genocide on Dac in 137 ABY. He disagreed with a decision advised by the Imperial Knight Treis Sinde to send refugees away rather than shelter them. Adriphar and his fellow ranger Shonmai were scouting the area near the Devil's Crevasse when they spotted the Sea Leviathan, created by the Sith Scientist Vul Isen. They decided to return to their base in Ranger Grotto to inform Sinde of the creature, but the nearby Aquatic Terrain Armored Transport shot down Adriphar's Krakana, which crashed onto the massive Leviathan near one of its life-draining blisters. Adriphar called for Shonmai to return to the Grotto, before his life energy was sucked out by the Leviathan.
Adriphar appeared in the 2009 comic Legacy (2006) 33, the second issue of Star Wars: Legacys Fight Another Day story arc.
Adriphar appeared in the 2009 comic Legacy (2006) 33, the second issue of Star Wars: Legacys Fight Another Day story arc.