Advanced targeting computer

An advanced targeting computer was an improved version of the targeting computer. At least one example of such was installed on the TIE Advanced x1 starfighters.

The Alliance to Restore the Republic starfighter unit Red Squadron managed to procure some advanced targeting computers during their mission to save several Rebel-sympathizing scientists on the planet from Imperial subjugation, after destroying an Imperial transport.

During the final legs of the Battle of Endor, Gold Leader Lando Calrissian, while infiltrating the Death Star II's superstructure alongside Red Squadron and Gold Squadron, noticed some advanced targeting computer specs within one of the pipes, procuring it in the process.

Advanced targeting computers were a tech upgrade in the Rogue Squadron series. Gaining it will result in the player being capable of keeping the targeting computer on without having to hold down the targeting computer button.

Behind the scenes

Advanced targeting computers were a tech upgrade in the Rogue Squadron series. Gaining it will result in the player being capable of keeping the targeting computer on without having to hold down the targeting computer button.






