Ahn Rasi Tuum

Ahn was a Cathar male and one of the Rasi Tuums, a trio of littermates that also included Zho and another who went by only Rasi Tuum. They were born years before the Sith–Imperial War. During that time, they served in the New Jedi Order. All three Rasi Tuums survived an attack against the Jedi Academy on the planet Ossus by the One Sith in 130 ABY, with the Jedi Order being dispersed across the galaxy.

Seven years later, Jedi Master Ahn traveled to the planet Daluuj to rendezvous with Jedi Master Wolf Sazen, Jedi Knight Shado Vao, and another Jedi. As Ahn and the group were discussing the possibility of searching for Sazen's former Padawan Cade Skywalker, a group of Sith revealed themselves by impaling Ahn with a spear and throwing him from the bridge where the meeting was taking place into a ravine, killing the Cathar. Vao and Sazen ultimately defeated the Sith, and resolved to find Cade Skywalker.


The death of Ahn Rasi Tuum

The death of Ahn Rasi Tuum

Ahn was a Cathar male who was born years before the Sith–Imperial War as one of the Rasi Tuums, along with littermates Zho and another who went by the name Rasi Tuum. Ahn and his littermates were found to be sensitive to the Force, and were subsequently trained as Jedi in the New Jedi Order, with Ahn eventually ascending to the rank of Master. Near the end of the Sith–Imperial War in 130 ABY, the One Sith attacked the Jedi Temple on the planet Ossus and the one on Coruscant in order to fracture the Jedi. The Rasi Tuums ultimately survived the massacre, spending the next seven years hiding from the Sith, who were on a campaign to hunt down the Jedi.

In 137 ABY, during the Second Imperial Civil War, Ahn traveled to the planet Daluuj after Jedi Knight Shado Vao convinced him to meet with Master Wolf Sazen to discuss the status of the fractured Jedi Order. Ahn and Vao rendezvoused with Sazen and another Jedi over one of Daluuj's bridges and began discussing matters, including that of locating Sazen's former Padawan Cade Skywalker, whom most believed was deceased—including Ahn. Unbeknownst to Ahn and his fellow Jedi, a team of five Sith were hiding in the shadows, preparing to ambush the four Jedi. As Sazen finished expressing his belief that successfully finding Skywalker was vital, Ahn was impaled through his chest by a spear, which was thrown by one of the Sith. The Cathar Jedi was then thrown over the bridge into the ravine by the Sith, killing him. After Vao and Sazen defeated the Sith that had killed Ahn and the other Jedi, the duo resolved to find Cade Skywalker.

Personality and traits

Ahn Rasi Tuum and his brothers

Ahn Rasi Tuum and his brothers

Unlike most Jedi, Ahn believed that the prospect of Jedi survivors meeting with each other was dangerous due to the bounty hunters and Sith that were searching for them. However, that did not stop him from agreeing to go with Shado Vao and meet with Wolf Sazen on Daluuj. At the beginning of the meeting with Sazen, Ahn expressed his doubts about meeting with each other. He also opined that the Zabrak's former Padawan, Cade Skywalker, was deceased and refused to believe Sazen when he insisted that Skywalker was alive. Ahn was similar in appearance to his littermates.

Powers and abilities

Along with the other Rasi Tuums, Ahn managed to survive the Sith's initial assault against the Jedi Order. After the Massacre of Ossus, he avoided detection by the Sith and bounty hunters until his death at the hands of the Sith at the ambush on Daluuj.


Ahn wore a brown set of Jedi robes and allowed his long brown hair to flow past his shoulders. His eyes were green, and he also sported a necklace.

Behind the scenes

The Rasi Tuums were created by writer John Ostrander and artist Jan Duursema for the Star Wars: Legacy comic series and were first featured as an image in the resource comic Star Wars: Legacy (2006) 0. One of the Rasi Tuums made an appearance in the series' second issue, in which he was not identified and perished, but a living Master Rasi Tuum appeared in 2008 in the twenty-fifth issue and established that he was a separate individual from the deceased Ahn. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which was released later in 2008, had a "Tuum, Rasi" entry with a picture of the character in Legacy 25 and biographical details that instead matched the events of Legacy 2. This article has treated the discrepancies in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia as editorial errors due to the publishing process and the Rasi Tuum in Legacy 2 as Ahn.







