
Aitch-Sixteen was an astromech droid that worked with starships of the Jedi Order in the hangars of the Jedi Temple on the Core Worlds planet Coruscant. Sometime between 52 and 43 BBY, Aitch-Sixteen was ordered to fit into the interceptor of the Jedi Knight Rael Averross. After speaking with the Jedi Master Dooku in the hangar, Averross called out to Aitch-Sixteen, asking whether the droid had fitted the laser capacitors. Aitch-Sixteen had not finished the job, replying to Averross in binary, and the Jedi Knight scolded the astromech droid, claiming it had been given enough time.

Aitch-Sixteen first appeared in the audiobook Dooku: Jedi Lost, written by Cavan Scott and published in 2019. As Dooku: Jedi Lost was released as an audio-only story, the spelling of Aitch-Sixteen's name was unconfirmed until it was given in the script release of the audiobook.

Behind the scenes

Aitch-Sixteen first appeared in the audiobook Dooku: Jedi Lost, written by Cavan Scott and published in 2019. As Dooku: Jedi Lost was released as an audio-only story, the spelling of Aitch-Sixteen's name was unconfirmed until it was given in the script release of the audiobook.






