The Aki-Aki were a sentient species native to the desert planet Pasaana. They were generally peaceful and hospitable, making them welcoming to offworlders when they arrived on their planet. According to Unkar Plutt, they were very literal. The Aki-Aki maintained a pre-starflight level of civilization, but did adopt a number of advanced tools to aid in their life on Pasaana. Aki-Aki history was not always peaceful, however; their species faced strife between scattered clans, though they eventually worked together to survive Pasaana's harsh climate. Aki-Aki have bifurcated trunks which grow throughout their lifespan. When they are born they possess only a singular short trunk which bifurcates around maturity.
The Aki-Aki species first appeared in the film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. In the English subtitles to the film, name of the species is misspelled as "Acky Acky."
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