
Overseer Harkun assigned one of his students to assist Zyn with the interrogation. After using Force lightning on Alif, the acolyte was forced to reveal that Esorr Kayin committed the murder

Behind the scenes

Alif is a non-player character in the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game, featured in the Sith Inquisitor Korriban mission, "The Plight of the Acolyte".

Gameplay alternatives

The player can choose to torture Alif with Force lightning, earning dark side points, or coax a confession out of him, earning light side points. Afterwards, the player can suggest to Zyn to try and protect Alif by keeping him in the cells until Kayin's master had dealt with his apprentice, either through neutral or light side dialogues. Alternatively, the player can suggest that Zyn requisitions guards to protect Alif. In both cases, Alif will send a message to the player that he had been shipped off to Dromund Kaas to serve under a female Darth. If Alif was kept in the cells, he mentions that he testified against Esorr Kayin in the mail he sends to the player. If he instead received protection from the guards, he will mention that in the mail.



