One day during his assignment as a spy on the Colossus, Kazuda Xiono noticed many ships coming and more pilots roaming the Colossus' decks. From Aunt Z, Kaz learned that all the ships and pilots were there for the All Aces Battle Royale. Kaz then saw known First Order sympathizer and ace pilot Marnia Un'la'na at the tavern. Kaz followed her and saw her meeting with an Ugnaught. Kaz learned that she was planning on giving information to Major Elrik Vonreg. Kaz radioed Resistance Commander Poe Dameron, who was in a space battle at the time, and ordered the spy to intercept Un'la'na's transmission by racing in the Battle Royale. Kaz decided to "borrow" one of the Hosnian Prime's pilots' backup ships. Kaz and BB-8 added some decals to the ship, installed a Republic encryption recorder, and gave himself the alias Bolt-Shatterer-K. Kaz took part in the Battle Royale and stayed close to Un'la'na, although the experienced racer took the lead.
Despite staying close to her, Kaz and BB-8 were unable to establish a link between the recorder and Un'la'na's ship. Kaz and BB-8 were able to get the data but were forced to crash land the ship after hitting the Green Ace. The crash destroyed the recorder, but Kaz remembered that the ship had a backup recorder. Kaz was able to transmit the data to Dameron and Organa and returned the ship. Organa complemented his potential as a good spy.
- Star Wars Adventures, Volume 7: Pomp and Circumstance