Ambassadorial habitation pyramid

The Ambassadorial habitation pyramid was a building located in the Palace District on Coruscant. It was over 1600 square meters in area, and presumably hosted many Imperial ambassadors, perhaps senators and other dignitaries. The pyramid was but a short distance from the Palace, and thus much closer to the main residence of Emperor Palpatine than other residential buildings like the 500 Republica or the Senate Apartment Complex.

This pyramid was first seen on a conceptual image by Ralph McQuarrie depicting the surroundings of the Imperial Palace.

Behind the scenes

This pyramid was first seen on a conceptual image by Ralph McQuarrie depicting the surroundings of the Imperial Palace.


  • The Art of Star Wars Galaxy: Volume Two
  • The Illustrated Star Wars Universe
  • Star Wars: Behind the Magic
  • The New Jedi Order Sourcebook
