During the Galactic Civil War, the Freemakers embarked on a quest to build a powerful starship called the Arrowhead that could change the tide of the war. After building the ship, the Freemakers used the Arrowhead to save the Alliance Fleet from destruction and later inflicted a defeat on Imperial forces on Kashyyyk.
Due to her service, Kordi Freemaker was promoted to the Alliance's Strategy Council. Though the Rebel Alliance planned to raid the planet Dubrillion, Kordi learned that an Imperial fleet was converging on the Imperial repair depot above Alzoc III after researching Imperial repair schedules. She convinced Admiral Gial Ackbar to authorize a raid on that station and the Imperial ships. Ackbar assigned Valeria with leading the assault and tasked Kordi with briefing the lieutenant.
At least eleven Imperial Star Destroyers including the Imperial officer Estoc's flagship Desolator docked at the Imperial repair facility near Alzoc III. Estoc was accompanied by the AT-AT commander whose forces had been defeated by the Freemakers on Kashyyyk. Since the Imperial bureaucracy had overbook the repair facility, it was tightly packed with Star Destroyers.
Shortly later, Lieutenant Valeria's Blue Squadron exited hyperspace. Underestimating the threat of the rebels, Estoc ordered that the alarms be switched off and for the Star Destroyers to open fire on the X-wing starfighters. Shortly later, Kordi's brother Zander Freemaker exited hyperspace, flying the Arrowhead.
Zander uses the Arrowheads embersteel blade to slice of the bridge of a Star Destroyer. Aware of the devastation that the Arrowhead wrought on Imperial forces on Kashyyyk, the AT-AT commander tried to convince Estoc to order a retreat. However, an over-confident Estoc instead ordered the Star Destroyers to open fire on the Arrowhead.
Zander sliced a second Star Destroyer in half before ploughing through several more Destroyers, destroying the capital ships. Estoc managed to trap the Arrowhead with her Star Destroyer's tractor beam projector. However, Valeria disabled the tractor beam projector, allowing Zander to slice through the Star Destroyer. The Arrowhead and Blue Squadron then departed, leaving the wrecked Star Destroyers behind.
Estoc and the AT-AT commander survived the rebel assault with the latter telling the former that the Arrowhead was the fight he had encountered on Kashyyyk. A jubilant Zander returned home to the rebel MC80 Star Cruiser Home One where he was greeted by a triumphant Kordi. However, their victory was cut short when their B1-series battle droid Roger arrived with news that Darth Vader had captured their younger brother Rowan Freemaker.
Despite the objections of the Alliance High Command, the Freemakers embarked on a mission to rescue Rowan from the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, bringing them into conflict with the Imperial hunter droid M-OC.
The Assault near Alzoc III first appeared in the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Season Two episode "A Perilous Rescue," which premiered in Disney XD on August 10, 2017.