The battle on Mulita was an assault during the High Republic Era that the Jedi Order and Hutt Clan undertook on Mulita, the homeworld of the sentient carnivorous plants known as the Drengir, located in the Mulita system, deep within Wild Space. Jedi Master Avar Kriss led the assault against the Drengir, whose presence on the Galactic Frontier had caused the outbreak of a crisis for some time. The Jedi were assisted in the assault by the Hutt Cartel, who Kriss had formed an alliance with in the face of the Drengir crisis.
The location of the Great Progenitor, the first of the Drengir, had previously been learned by Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis through a link to the Drengir in the Force. Kriss subsequently summoned as many Jedi as possible, helped by Master Estala Maru on the Starlight Beacon space station, who put out calls to the Jedi who fit Kriss' criteria. At the same time as Kriss' assault, which took the attention of both her and the large number of Jedi she summoned, the Nihil marauders launched an attack during the Republic Fair on the planet Valo. By the time that the attack had ceased, the assault on Mulita was still ongoing.
- "The One With the Green Thumb" — Star Wars - The Official Magazine 107
- Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi
- Star Wars: Timelines
- Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia