Assault on Protazk

The assault on the planet Protazk was part of the Kwymar Suppressions, in 17 BBY. The Rebel forces were defeated by the Galactic Empire.


Early during the Imperial Period, the Rebel bases in the Kwymar sector came under attack by the Imperial forces in a campaign known as the Kwymar Suppressions. Protazk was one of those planets attacked.

The battle

The battle began when the Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Unit repulsortanks attacked a fortified area known as the Spuma Flats. Colonel Zel Johans personally led the regiment in his tank. While the others tanks engaged the laser turrets and Rebel troopers hidden in trenches, Squad three intercepted a group of airspeeders.

Once all fortification were destroyed, stormtroopers landed in Imperial Armored Transports and assaulted the Rebel Infantry in the trenches.




