In the adventure, the players take on the role of Green squad, part of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Irregular unit, Reekeene's Roughnecks. The squad is tasked with the destruction of Repair Station M13 on Mycroft as part of Operation Retribution.
First published in Star Wars Campaign Pack in 1988, "Assault on Repair Station M13" was later republished in Classic Campaigns in 1994. When the adventure was reprinted, there were several minor changes made to the text. These were:
- A reference to "corvette-class patrol boats" was replaced with a reference to "multi-system patrol boats."
- Stormtroopers were originally described as carrying heavy blasters; this was changed to them carrying blaster rifles.
- The stormtroopers were described as having landspeeders armed with blaster rifles; this was changed to the landspeeders being armed with repeating blasters.
- Reference to Mycroft as an "Earth-type planet" is changed to "terrestrial planet"
- Reference to a creature's "12-inch poisonous fangs" is changed to "30 centimeter long poisonous fangs"