Attack on Chortose

During the High Republic Era, the Nihil marauder organization attacked Agricultural Hub 42, a factory on the Rseik sector astronomical object Chortose. The marauders, whose forces were led by a Storm, wished to steal the factory's for their own purposes. Two Chortose workers were present in the factory at the time; while one, Pango, attempted to send a distress signal to the Jedi Order, his brother, Gru, resolved to defend the factory, believing the Jedi would not arrive. After the Nihil entered Agricultural Hub 42, the Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis, having been dispatched as a result of the signal, arrived to defend the Chortose. Though she struck one of the Nihil with a deflected blaster bolt, the Storm knocked her down. At that moment, a Force vision of the Sith Lord Darth Krall taking the Storm's place prevented her from fighting back; however, the Jedi Wayseeker Orla Jareni, who had been led by the Force to assist Trennis, incapacitated the Storm. Jareni placed the remaining Nihil in binders, intending to signal the Republic Defense Coalition to collect them.


  • Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi
  • Star Wars: Timelines



