Attack on Kalikori village

During the conflict between the Flesh Raiders of the planet Tython and the Jedi Order in 3643 BBY, a group of Flesh Raiders attacked the Twi'lek Pilgrim settlement of Kalikori village. The Flesh Raiders had recently attacked a nearby Jedi outpost before being driven out of the area, and another group of Flesh Raiders chose to attack Kalikori after a young Jedi departed to retrieve a Flesh Raider weapons cache nearby for the villagers. During the attack, the wife of a villager named Saylew was killed before the villagers could drive the Flesh Raiders away, and Saylew's grief drove him to interrupt a meeting between several Jedi and the village's Scout Chief Moorint while they were planning a scouting mission.

The attack was first mentioned in the Jedi Knight class mission "High-Tech Savages" in the 2011 BioWare massively multiplayer online role-playing video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. It occurs during the events of the mission, and the player returns to find an angry Saylew in the village.

Behind the scenes

The attack was first mentioned in the Jedi Knight class mission "High-Tech Savages" in the 2011 BioWare massively multiplayer online role-playing video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. It occurs during the events of the mission, and the player returns to find an angry Saylew in the village.



