Attack on an Imperial outpost (Choyyssyk)

An attack on an Imperial outpost was launched around 14 BBY in the Imperial Era by the resident resistance of the planet Kashyyyk, against the Galactic Empire's occupation of the world. During the attack, Wookiee Commander Choyyssyk was captured and imprisoned in Kashyyyk's Imperial Refinery. In 14 BBY, after months of imprisonment, Choyyssyk was freed by the fugitive Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis and the Partisans, an insurgent group led by militant freedom fighter Saw Gerrera.

After the Kashyyyk resistance and Partisans successfully defeated Imperial forces, the Partisans member Mari Kosan mentioned Choyyssyk's capture during the attack to Kestis.

The attack on an Imperial outpost was mentioned in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, developed by Respawn Entertainment.

Behind the scenes

The attack on an Imperial outpost was mentioned in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, developed by Respawn Entertainment.



