Avenue Peth was a street on the planet Coruscant. When the Besalisk chef Dexter Jettster first arrived on the planet, he opened a small donut shop called Dex's Donuts on the corner of Zevanth Street and Avenue Peth. By 27 BBY, however, an air taxi driver crashed and destroyed Dex's Donuts, forcing Jettster to close the corner storefront. He later recounted owning Dex's Donuts in the menu of his next Coruscant establishment, Dex's Diner. Avenue Peth shared its name with Peth, a letter in the Aurebesh alphabet.
Avenue Peth was mentioned in "Dining at Dex's," a 2009 Hyperspace-exclusive article which was written by Gregory Walker and formatted as an in-universe menu.
Avenue Peth was mentioned in "Dining at Dex's," a 2009 Hyperspace-exclusive article which was written by Gregory Walker and formatted as an in-universe menu.