B-14 airspeeder

The B-14 airspeeder was a model of airspeeder available by the time of the destruction of the planet Alderaan. Prior to the planet's destruction, the next door neighbor of the Alderaanian immigrant Anandra Milon was given a B-14 by her on the planet Coruscant. He had found the airspeeder abandoned after the relocation of the Mon Calamari species following the Old Market Sector riots.

They were produced on the planet Troithe. During the Imperial Era, the governor allowed the factories to fall into disuse.

The B-14 airspeeder was first created for Jedi Quest: The False Peace, a Star Wars Legends junior novel written by Jude Watson in 2004. The airspeeder model was brought into canon by "One Thousand Levels Down," a short story written by Alexander Freed and published in Star Wars Insider 151 in 2014.

Behind the scenes

The B-14 airspeeder was first created for Jedi Quest: The False Peace, a Star Wars Legends junior novel written by Jude Watson in 2004. The airspeeder model was brought into canon by "One Thousand Levels Down," a short story written by Alexander Freed and published in Star Wars Insider 151 in 2014.









