B0-LT hid in one of the outpost's buildings but was located with a thermal scanner by a visitor to the outpost who had been assigned the droid's bounty by the Bounty Hunters' Guild. The visitor then reported the droid's location to the local Guildmaster's Hideout in order to claim the reward.

B0-LT appeared as part of Star Wars: Batuu Bounty Hunters, an augmented reality video game launched at Walt Disney World on July 27, 2022. The image used to represent B0-LT is a reused promotional image of the droid EGL-21, who appeared in the 2015 sequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.

Behind the scenes

B0-LT appeared as part of Star Wars: Batuu Bounty Hunters, an augmented reality video game launched at Walt Disney World on July 27, 2022. The image used to represent B0-LT is a reused promotional image of the droid EGL-21, who appeared in the 2015 sequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.



