The Battle of Merson during the Clone Wars consisted of Galactic Republic forces, led by Jedi Master Ronhar Kim, his Padawan Tap-Nar-Pal and Captain Gilad Pellaeon, being sent into battle on the planet Merson.
Republic Intelligence underestimated the forces on the planet by a factor of five, and were crushed. The Separatists had expected the attack due to information given by Darth Sidious to Count Dooku, warning that the Republic would be arriving shortly. As a consequence, the local Merson pirate forces were augmented with CIS droids and material.
Captain Pellaeon withdrew upon the arrival of additional CIS forces and Master Ronhar Kim, his Padawan and their army perished on the planet below. Kim's Padawan attempted a strafing run to assist his master, only to be shot down by B2 super battle droids.
With the death of Jedi Master Kim, his plan for testing the members of the Galactic Senate for high midi-chlorian counts died with him. Thus, Chancellor Palpatine's secret identity as Darth Sidious continued to remain a secret.
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia