During the Clone Wars, an intergalactic conflict between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order sent Jedi Masters Kit Fisto, Keelyvine Reus and Padawan Tyzen Xebec to inspect the energy shield on the planet along with several clone troopers. The Republic feared the Ukians were unprepared to hold off an attack from the Separatists. The planet was also the main source of supplies, like food, for other planets in the sector and planets along the Triellus Trade Route. Because of this, Ukio could not fall under Separatist control.
The Jedi and several clone troopers inspected the shield generator, when the Separatists "launched" an attack on Ukio. Reus suggested a quick recon in their Jedi interceptors. Fisto and Reus flew near the Trade Federation battleship and saw that the ship launched several modified seismic tanks which dropped a cloud of soil from the planet Moorja, onto the planetary shield.