Battle of Var-Shaa


Following the Battle of Endor during the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance transitioned into the New Republic. By this time, the Rebel Alliance had launched an offensive against at least one Imperial shipyard, Fondor Station during the Attack on Fondor.

Battle in orbit

A New Republic Defense Fleet naval group, consisting of an MC75 Star Cruiser, an MC80 Liberty Type Heavy Star Cruiser, an MC95E Star Cruiser, an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, two CR90 corvettes, two GR-75 medium transports, and squadrons of T-65B X-wing starfighters, RZ-1 A-wing interceptors, and BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers, launched a strike against the Var-Shaa Imperial Dockyard located in orbit above Var-Shaa. The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Overseer responded to the attack and defended the station. Titan Squadron, attached to the Overseer, was also deployed in an attempt to defend the dockyard.

During the course of the battle, other Imperial forces also defended the dockyards, including at least one Raider-class corvette and many TIE fighter series starships, consisting of TIE/ln space superiority starfighters and TIE/sa bombers. However, The Republic forces had caught the Empire off guard, and were hence unprepared for conflict in comparison to their adversary. As such, Throughout the stage of the battle, it was evident the Republic would soon be victorious, as they had eliminated likely several dozens of TIE fighters and at least one Raider corvette. Whereas, while the Empire had caused heavy losses, At least two CR90 covettes, several starfighters, and all three of the Mon Cala ships stood firm.

Eventually, while Titan Leader, Captain Varko Grey, led a squadron of TIE Fighters on an attack run against the New Republic capital ships, the dockyard was destroyed in fiery explosions, taking with it, an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer that was docked with the space station. Commander Terisa Kerrill of the Overseer ordered Titan Leader Grey to abandon the attack and withdraw to the Overseer, as it was preparing to jump into hyperspace and retreat. Although the New Republic was victorius, the raid came with heavy casaulties.

Before they reached the Overseer, Titan Three, who was piloting a TIE bomber, came under fire of three A-wings. Fearing death, Titan Three called for help from anyone willing in their squadron. Grey, under the code that no one was left behind, responded to intercept, against Kerrill's orders. As the enemy interceptors closed in on Titan Three, Grey's TIE interceptor fired a volley that destroyed two of the A-wings and forced the other into breaking off as it streaked by. The two TIEs rushed towards the Overseer, seemingly clear from enemies, only for an X-wing to trigger an explosion in the TIE bomber's ammunition pod, killing Titan Three and damaging Grey's Interceptor with its debris.

After recovering from a wild spin, Grey transfered all power to his engines, snaking through the debris from the battle to dock in the hangar. Unfortunately for him, the Overseer jumped to lightspeed when he was just underneath it. Grey was left behind and forced to hide amongst the debris with his TIE damaged. Only one X-wing, the same one who destroyed Titan Three, scouted the area. At the right distance, Grey fired and escaped to the surface while the X-wing broke off to dodge.

Battle to the surface

Varko Grey fell back alongside the debris to the surface as the New Republic pilot fought him. The New Republic pilot fired a missile after missing multiple shots. Grey broke into evasive maneuvers, rolling and weaving to no avail. With the auxiliary closing in, he deployed a countermeasure to redirect the missile back at the X-wing, forcing the enemy pilot to fire and destroy the missile. Varko then noticed that the damage from Titan Three's wreckage had been spreading to other sections of his hull. Now knowing he was on a limited time frame, Grey broke off into a dogfight. With Taim & Bak laserfire streaking past him, he maneuvered into the clouds around him before drifting back towards the X-wing and returning fire. The two raced toward each other, firing volleys that they both avoided. However, once Grey emerged from the clouds, he fired pinpoint shots that destroyed the astromech droid behind the pilot, which surprised and angered him. Seizing the opportunity to escape, Grey drove below cloud level to the plateau-filled landscape of Var-Shaa. However, the debris from the battle descended out of the sky, wreaking havoc upon said landscape. And, much to the squadron leader's disarray, the X-wing pilot continued to give chase, undeterred.

Seeking safety from the rain of fire, Grey dove into a canyon, X-wing volleys still tracing past him. The Republic pilot also avoided the falling debris and shadowed Grey into the canyon, unrelentless in pursuit. The pilot took advantage of the tighter space to maneuver, as one of his shots punctured Grey's cockpit, forcing the interceptor pilot to remove his helmet. Now critically damaged, Grey used his superior agility to his advantage, drifting into a split in the canyon. The less agile X-wing was forced to take the other. As they flew side by side, the New Republic pilot taunted Grey: "The war's over, Imp." The canyon broke to an open river, and the Republic pilot wasted no time in opening fire once more. However, Grey, in the knowledge that he would soon be shot down, improvised with the environment around him, and drifted, causing the waters to rise up in the fashion of a wall. The pilot accelerated to continue giving chase, only to be greeted by this wall of water, stalling his engines, and leading him towards a small plateau in the middle of the river. Realizing his mistake, the New Republic pilot attempted to pull up, but to no avail—the X-wing crashed against the plateau and disintegrated in flaming pieces before crashing into the river. Grey's TIE interceptor, worn from both the battle in orbit and the dogfight on surface, powered down and crashed into the sea.


As the afternoon air blew and sunset shined; Varko Grey was safe and beached. He considered the words "War is over, Imp," as he looks over the wreckage. A radio through his helmet called to him, "Come in. Calling Titan Leader." Varko picked up his helmet and stood up, stating that the war was not over for him, as the search party consisting of two TIE fighters, one TIE Reaper, and one TIE bomber came in to pick him up.

Behind the scenes

The strike on Var-Shaa first appeared in the CG short "Hunted" as part of the promotional campaign for the 2020 video game Star Wars: Squadrons. In one scene, an MC95 Star Cruiser is shown in place of the MC95E Star Cruiser that appeared in multiple scenes.









