The Bavos-I heavy-duty military space platform was 1,300 meters in length and was produced by Rendili StarDrive. A martial space station, it was equipped with sensors and a deflector shield generator. Crewed by 600 personnel and 200 gunners, the Bavos-I could be kept running at a minimal crew of a hundred alongside twenty gunners. Additionally, the military space station could house up to 200 additional personnel, which in some cases consisted of a hundred stormtroopers and a hundred Imperial Navy troopers. The Bavos-I had an armament that contained fifty medium turbolaser cannons, which were each crewed by two gunners; and fifty additional anti-starfighter turbolasers, each also crewed by a pair of gunners; ten were situated to the right, left, back, and front, while the remaining ten were turrets. The military station also had a concussion missile bank, which contained thirty missiles, and was fired from the bridge by a single bridge officer.
The Bavos-I space station could carry fifty metric tons of cargo and was able to store enough consumables to last its crew three months. However, the majority of these consumables, as well as other cargo and supplies, had to be stored outside the space station in cargo pods that floated nearby. When supplies were needed, cargo tugs had to go retrieve the pods. These cargo pods necessitated that up to a dozen cargo tugs be near the space station. In some cases, the Bavos-I had a complement of thirty-six TIE/LN starfighters and a pair of troop transports.
The Galactic Empire utilized the Bavos-I by 0 ABY, during the Galactic Civil War with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. One such Bavos-I was Station 2LC/Blue, an Imperial border station near the planet Rhinnal in the Core Worlds' Ringali Shell. 2LC/Blue acted as a rescue outpost and an anti-smuggling staging area. By 0 ABY, Rendili StarDrive had produced a successor to the Bavos-I, the Bavos-II heavy-duty military space platform, a more advanced version of the Bavos-I.
The Bavos-I heavy-duty military space platform was first mentioned in 1998's The Far Orbit Project, by Timothy S. O'Brien. The book was a supplement to West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and was a sequel of sorts to the previous publication, Pirates & Privateers, carrying on that book's theme by following the privateering frigate Far Orbits adventures. This article assumes that all Bavos-I space stations have cargo pods outside the space station like 2LC/Blue, the only canon example of a Bavos-I.
- The Far Orbit Project