
Betancy was an Imperial cadet who trained at the Galactic Empire's Academy for Young Imperials on the planet Lothal in 5 BBY. They were a member of the promising cadet squad LRC077 with Ezra Bridger and Zare Leonis and were part of the squad's Unit Besh. When squad LRC077 was summoned to the Well training facility, Betancy was one of two cadets ordered not to participate in the exercise by Taskmaster Myles Grint.


Betancy entered the Galactic Empire's Academy for Young Imperials on the planet Lothal as a cadet five years before the Battle of Yavin, Betancy was a member of the promising cadet squad LRC077 with Zare Leonis and "Dev Morgan," and served in the squad's Unit Besh.

When Unit Besh and Unit Aurek, the other unit in LRC077, were summoned to the Well training facility in the academy, Betancy and fellow Besh cadet Thurgos were ordered by Taskmaster Myles Grint to not take part in the exercise and instead stand with Sergeant Currahee and Units Cresh and Dorn. Betancy and Thurgos's shoulders slumped when given they were given the order, but the cadets obeyed and removed their helmets before walking away from their squad.

Personality and traits

As a member of Unit Besh, who were among the best cadets at the Academy for Young Imperials, Betancy was a promising cadet and considered officer material.

Betancy with Units Besh and Aurek

Betancy with Units Besh and Aurek

They were of similar stature and build to Zare Leonis and Ezra Bridger and wore the standard white and gray Imperial cadet uniform with black boots and gloves. Betancy's helmet was white and had no unique identifying symbols, unlike the helmets belonging to the Unit Aurek cadets.

Behind the scenes

Betancy first appeared in the 2014 Star Wars Rebels episode "Breaking Ranks." They were first identified in the 2015 junior novel, Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks, although it was not specified which of the four Unit Besh cadets seen in "Breaking Ranks" was Betancy.

Their gender was never stated, but Fry's comment that there were no female cadets seen in "Breaking Ranks" indicates he considered Betancy male.


  • Star Wars Rebels: Visual Guide: Epic Battles






