
The planet of Binquaros was located in the Ciutric sector of the Outer Rim Territories.

Following the end of the Clone Wars, many CIS forces retreated to Binquaros which became a Separatist stronghold. The planet was besieged by Imperial forces led by General Hurst Romodi. The siege was eventually broken by mercenary and pirate reinforcements that allowed the Separatists to flee to the Unknown Regions.

The planet was the site of the Battle of Binquaros won by the ThunderForce mercenaries prior to the Galactic Civil War.


Following the end of the Clone Wars, many CIS forces retreated to Binquaros which became a Separatist stronghold. The planet was besieged by Imperial forces led by General Hurst Romodi. The siege was eventually broken by mercenary and pirate reinforcements that allowed the Separatists to flee to the Unknown Regions.

The planet was the site of the Battle of Binquaros won by the ThunderForce mercenaries prior to the Galactic Civil War.


  • Hideouts & Strongholds
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
