Black Flight

Black Flight was a group of BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighters serving within the 24th Bombardment Squadron as part of the New Republic Fifth Fleet. In 17 ABY they participated in the Black Fleet Crisis.

At the start of the campaign, Black Flight was one of three component flights within the squadron, consisting of six K-wings, with one pilot and one gunner per ship. The flight leader was an officer known as Hodo, who was considered a possible candidate for the vacant post of squadron commander.

After the debacle at Doornik-319, Black Flight was reduced to three planes, as part of a reorganization in which the squadron was reordered into four flights. During the Battle of ILC-905, the three K-wings of the restructured Black Flight, and their escorting formation of six E-wing escort starfighters, were initially held in reserve, but they were tasked to attack the Aramadia-class thrustship Rizaron, which had crippled the gunship Vanguard and destroyed their own K-wing counterparts from Green Flight.

An attack run by and successfully destroyed Rizaron, but laser and ion cannon fire from Rizaron had claimed and at least one of the accompanying E-wings, and the attack came too late to save Vanguard, which was eliminated by the thrustship's final missile broadside.









