Blackwing One

Blackwing One was the callsign of an unknown young male pilot from the planet of Viamarr 4.

During her visit to Viamarr 4 in 7.5 ABY, the Night Caller launched two TIE Fighters designated as Gray Flight to buzz the planet's capital city of Velery. What the locals did not know was that the Warlord Zsinj aligned ship has already been captured by Wraith Squadron, a newly formed commando squadron of the New Republic. Velery Station tried to impose its will on Gray Flight, which consisted of Wedge Antilles and Falynn Sandskimmer, by instructing them to land at Velery's spaceport. When they refused, Blackwing One and his wingman tailed Gray Flight in their Z-95 Headhunters and tried to force them to comply with Velery Station's orders.

What ensued was a tense mock dogfight, during which Blackwing One was outmaneuvered by Antilles. The engagement ended when Blackwing Flight was recalled by Velery Station. Blackwing One tried to protest but obeyed the order when Velery Station threatened to transfer him to tractor operations.


During her visit to Viamarr 4 in 7.5 ABY, the Night Caller launched two TIE Fighters designated as Gray Flight to buzz the planet's capital city of Velery. What the locals did not know was that the Warlord Zsinj aligned ship has already been captured by Wraith Squadron, a newly formed commando squadron of the New Republic. Velery Station tried to impose its will on Gray Flight, which consisted of Wedge Antilles and Falynn Sandskimmer, by instructing them to land at Velery's spaceport. When they refused, Blackwing One and his wingman tailed Gray Flight in their Z-95 Headhunters and tried to force them to comply with Velery Station's orders.

What ensued was a tense mock dogfight, during which Blackwing One was outmaneuvered by Antilles. The engagement ended when Blackwing Flight was recalled by Velery Station. Blackwing One tried to protest but obeyed the order when Velery Station threatened to transfer him to tractor operations.



