Bokana Koss

The other rioters started to fire at them, but they were saved by Jedi Master Silandra Sho, who threw her shield at one of the rioters and thus scared them off. When Sho asked about the dead Kyuzo with the lightsaber hole in his chest, Koss lied for Ro and said that they had found the man like that and Ro had tried to revive him to no avail, and that was when the rioters attacked them. However, Koss suffered severe injuries and nearly collapsed while speaking to Sho and the Mother, the leader of the Path that Sho had been escorting, about what had happened. Ro caught him, and while she held him close, he whispered that he had spotted the lightsaber roll underneath a piece of rubble to her right when she had dropped it. The Mother came towards him and acknowledged his injuries, but he said he believed that he would recover by the will of The Force. After Sho received a message to join the other Jedi, Ro and the Mother convinced her to leave them alone.

After Sho left, Ro retrieved the lightsaber and the two women recognized Koss's heroism, but then he and Ro noticed that the Mother was severely injured. He introduced himself and then they began their journey to where Path member Radicaz Dobbs's ship the Scupper was parked. However, on the way the Mother started to collapse and so Koss decided to carry her despite his injuries. He navigated them through the city and thought he knew where he was going, but he ended up leading them to a dead-end alleyway. He apologized to the Mother and Ro as a creature cornered them and Ro ignited the lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

Despite The High Republic: Path of Vengeance stating Bokana Koss was at least two meters tall, Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia mistakenly lists his height at 1.96 meters.


  • Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia















