Bolabo Hujaan


A gifted technician from a young age, Hujaan left Sullust as soon as she could find a starship that would take her. Bolabo was an associate of Timma Briss and Kn'ik Th'ronik.

Bolabo Hujaan, starship technician.

Bolabo Hujaan, starship technician.

Drifting from ship to ship, Hujaan learned first hand the operations of hundreds of starships, and eventually settled down on Byblos to establish her own facility, Bolabo's Garage. To maintain security and secrecy, Hujaan paid off a number of contacts in Byblos Starport Security. Hujaan earned a reputation for expert repairs and creative modifications, particularly amongst smugglers and Rebel Alliance agents, but she never did anything for free and demanded payment up front. When parts were unavailable, Hujaan called on her skills as a smuggler to acquire them. Some of Hujaan's most impressive work was on Dash Rendar's Outrider, although if any modification proved a failure, she claimed it was Rendar's work.


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives
  • Platt's Starport Guide
  • Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook
  • No Disintegrations
  • Platt's Smugglers Guide
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File56
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



