Bolander was a female who served as an officer in the First Order. When General Armitage Hux came aboard the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Absolution for a meeting, he and Captain Cardinal spoke in his father's old suite about Captain Phasma and her killing of Brendol. After Cardinal left the suite, Hux contacted Bolander and requested her to send over the list of guests who would be attending the meeting so that he could take Cardinal's name off the list.
"Bolander" is the last name of Ron Howard's character in George Lucas's 1973 film American Graffiti. It is unknown if the character in Phasma was meant to be a reference to this.
"Bolander" is the last name of Ron Howard's character in George Lucas's 1973 film American Graffiti. It is unknown if the character in Phasma was meant to be a reference to this.