Bree Menaren was a Scalvi boy who lived with his family on a planet Turrak located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories during the High Republic Era. Crulkon raiders attacked his village. Scalvi started to look for a way to protect themselves. Bree found out parts of a destroyed starship. The boy tried to repair it and he had restored the communication system. Soon the raiders appeared again and Bree run to the ship and sent to a capital planet Coruscant a request for help. Scalvi defended themselves all day. In the evening Jedi Master Yoda came to Turrak and fought with Crulkon raiders. Menaren was going to kill with an ax a raider who lied senseless, but Yoda stopped the boy. After Scalvi have been defeated Jedi decided to stay on Turrak with Svcalvi. Bree and the other villagers had a feast, which was accompanied with dancing around a fire.
Soon Scalvi built a watchtower for their defenses. Trikk stood on the top of the tower and knocked some boards down by accident. Bree saw a little Scalvi standing at the foot of the tower and keep him from the falling boards. Yoda used the Force and stopped the wreckage. Both childrens' lives were saved.
- Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia