Brentaal League

The Brentaal League was an ancient colonization organization based on the planet Brentaal in the Core Worlds which oversaw the settling of numerous worlds in the years leading up to the Great Sith War.

The Brentaal League had extended its hyperlane network to the Expansion Region by 4020 BBY. They established the first human settlement on Muzara circa 4000 BBY, with the intent of starting a lucrative farm industry. In the process, they sparked a diplomatic war with the native Muza. The League's sphere of influence began to wane soon thereafter.


The Brentaal League had extended its hyperlane network to the Expansion Region by 4020 BBY. They established the first human settlement on Muzara circa 4000 BBY, with the intent of starting a lucrative farm industry. In the process, they sparked a diplomatic war with the native Muza. The League's sphere of influence began to wane soon thereafter.
