Broken Wing (location)

The Broken Wing location could be accessed by traversing the Crash Site to a hallway that led to a large main chamber containing a Hologram of an Unidentified Clone Commander informing Jedi General Chiata of the condition of the ship. This large chamber contained a staircase that led to a large turbine that contained a Rabid Jotaz by 14 BBY.

In 14 BBY, Cal Kestis while coming across the area encountered the Rabid Jotaz that attacked him leading to Cal Kestis fighting and killing the beast.

A broken pathway surrounded the large turbine that could be traversed leading to a long-winded hallway that led to a large room. The large room contained an entrance that went to a flooded hallway which then went to an electric field that could be disabled. The electric field contained a dead clone trooper who died due to the crash landing of the unidentified venator. The electric field area had an elevator that went to an observation deck close to the large turbine (that contained the Rabid Jotaz by 14 BBY) where the clone commander got a transmission from the Supreme Chancellor to execute Order 66. The Clone Commander would later be killed by a lightsaber of one of the Jedi close by to the Broken Wing location.By 14 BBY, fauna such as the Skungus also inhabited the area.

In 14 BBY, Cal Kestis came across the area while travelling to the Imperial Dig Site close to the area.

Behind the scenes

This location first appeared in the 2019 Respawn Entertainment video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order that was published by Electronic Arts.


  • The Art of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order



