Bront Autin

Autin sent Kem Tija a message about the Iyra sentientologist Tem Eliss and the impending publication of his book The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life. Autin recommended to Tija that Eliss be detained for questioning, and that the distribution of his manuscript be restricted. Eliss fled the University of Sanbra campus before being arrested.


Autin sent Kem Tija a message about the Iyra sentientologist Tem Eliss and the impending publication of his book The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life. Autin recommended to Tija that Eliss be detained for questioning, and that the distribution of his manuscript be restricted. Eliss fled the University of Sanbra campus before being arrested.


  • Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies
