
Cadil was a human individual who worked for De'Rruyet Industries during the Galactic Civil War at the De'Rruyet Center on the planet Midarr. In 3 ABY, Beol De'Rruyet, the founder and leader of the company, came into possession of a Nihil Path engine hyperdrive, and attempted to use it to create his own hyperdrive which he claimed would replicate the Nihil's methods of lightspeed travel. Before De'Rruyet could unveil the hyperdrive, however, General Vukorah and several soldiers of the Unbroken Clan criminal syndicate broke into the center. Vukorah asked to see the hyperdrive, and as she made her way to it, Cadil informed her that it was not operational. In response Vukorah told Cadil to ensure that the hyperdrive was operational, as she was not going to leave without it, before she killed Cadil with a shot to the face.



