Caled Galfridian's first wife

A female individual was the first wife of the Human Caled Galfridian, the king of the planet Artorias and the leader of the royal Galfridian family. She gave birth to two children, Finn and Kaye Galfridian. Shortly after his wife died by 8 ABY, the king was angered by her death and began to hunt down those he considered evil. While doing so, he married the Yuuzhan Vong Nina Galfridian. Nina thought that her relationship with the king would be more complicated if his first wife had not died.

Caled Galfridian's first wife was mentioned in the ninth issue of the Star Wars: Invasion comic series, which was published by Dark Horse Comics on September 29, 2010. The issue was written by Tom Taylor and illustrated by Colin Wilson.

Behind the scenes

Caled Galfridian's first wife was mentioned in the ninth issue of the Star Wars: Invasion comic series, which was published by Dark Horse Comics on September 29, 2010. The issue was written by Tom Taylor and illustrated by Colin Wilson.



