Because of a shortage of spare parts, usually only one or two of the starfighters were operational at any given time. Despite the difficulties, including a limited supply of astromech droids, the group followed the Partisans in their frequent relocations around the galaxy, and by 5 BBY they were stationed in an abandoned mine in the planet Segra Milo. There, they were visited by Axis network leader Luthen Rael who asked for their air support in an upcoming attack on an Imperial power station in Spellhaus, although Gerrera declined the request. The group was eventually noticed by nearby trader starships, who notified the Galactic Empire to dispatch Department of Imperial Justice patrols, including Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruisers above the planet.
The unwanted attention proved to be too much for the Partisans, who soon relocated to the Catacombs of Cadera in Jedha City. During the insurrection on Jedha by the Partisans, at least one of the X-wings was shot down, where it crashed in the streets of Jedha City. Once the Imperials launched their major combat deployment during the Jedha insurgency, four of the X-wings were launched to strike back. Three of them were shot down, and the fourth was chased into the wilderness by six TIE fighters.
- Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide
- Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide