Caves of Thunder

The Caves of Thunder were caves located on the Forest Moon of Endor. In 3 ABY, the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick returned to Bright Tree Village from a distant section of the forest, where he encountered a savage, red-furred Ewok. When Warrick told his friend Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka about the encounter, she believed that the wild Ewok was her long-lost sister, Asha, and asked Warrick where she could find her. Warrick stated that by glider, the journey consisted of half a day's flight east, a southern turn at the Caves of Thunder, and then a turn eastward. Failing to give exact directions, Warrick decided to accompany Kintaka.

The Caves of Thunder were first mentioned in "Asha," the thirteenth episode of the animated television series Ewoks. The episode was written by Paul Dini and premiered on November 30, 1985.

Behind the scenes

The Caves of Thunder were first mentioned in "Asha," the thirteenth episode of the animated television series Ewoks. The episode was written by Paul Dini and premiered on November 30, 1985.



