Celanon City


Due to the city's booming population, the city has extended all the way to property limits set by the charter that established the city. This resulted in architects designing taller buildings in order to meet demand for office, warehouse, trading and retail space. The streets of the city were crowded around the clock. Like most other worlds, prime business hours were during the day, but nightclubs, street traders and restaurants, located in every corner of the city, kept the pace of life at a fever pitch no matter what the hour. The city was roughly circular and was divided into several distinct districts, including the space- port, diplomatic section, spacers' section, transient residences, trade consortiums and guilds, Imperial military facilities, market district, corporate zone, and governing zone. The outside of the city was ringed by a huge 10 meter tall wall that controlled access to the city. Passage to the outside was granted only to Nalroni or special guests under the direct supervision of a Nalroni, and was allowed only through specially designated gates. Each individual was required to pay a set fee of two credits each time they passed through a gate. The Nalroni didn't allow visitors to leave the city and venture to the countryside. Passage to the farms was only through the gates on the outer boundaries of the city.


The most prominent district of the city was the spaceport region, where all of the small freighters, bulk freighters, and shuttles were docked among thousands of bays. With the ever increasing levels of business over the years, the spaceport buildings had been continuously rebuilt. Within the skeletal frames of the spaceport buildings were cantinas, spaceship repair and modification shops, small cargo companies and other businesses dedicated to the needs of spacers. These businesses were more expensive than in other sections of the city, but they were also more convenient than traveling around the city. Since everyone who visited Celanon City must arrive via the spaceport, this section of the city was always a center of activity. Visitors landing in the city were asked their preference of facilities - "economy" or "trader" docking bays, with most experienced traders in the sector purchasing trader bays. A berth in an economy bay was 150 credits per local day (pricey by most standards), with standard maintenance and restocking costing about 150 percent of the cost of other spaceports. Refueling costs were in-line with other spaceport locations, but the costs of repairs and overhauls were up to five times as expensive as normal. The basic cost for a trader bay was 250 credits per local day, but maintenance and restocking was available at the standard cost and they were relatively free from unannounced contraband inspections. In addition to the traffic of legitimate traders and crewmembers, petty criminals and smugglers combed the streets and alleyways of the district. The spaceport also contained the huge Celanon Spaceport Control building that was nearly 140 stories tall. In addition to traffic control, the planet's customs offices were also based in the building. The spaceport had all of the drawbacks of modern Imperial cities - overcrowding, overpriced goods, and crime. Visitors also saw a large number of Nalroni traders, guild inspectors, and security officers, along with regular Imperial patrols. While the Imperials were present only to keep order, the Nalroni encountered in this section were ever watchful to make sure that the trading guilds were awarded their "fair percentage" for the business that was transacted within city boundaries.

Diplomatic Section

The diplomatic section was dominated by modem buildings of every architectural style. Planetary governments and large corporations had their headquarters in this section of the city. Billions of credits were traded every day in the buildings of this section, as worlds sought a regular supplier of droids, blasters, food, computer goods or repulsor vehicles, while other planets tried to sell off their goods at the highest price possible. Representatives of the corporations and planetary governments were always on the go and always trying to be the first, the best, and the most noticed. Fashion and attitude were taken to nearly obnoxious extremes and there were constant social events for the young executives to show off themselves. Luxury airspeeder were common and everyone was dressed in the latest styles from around the galaxy. Imperial troops kept a vigilant eye over this section, always willing to interfere on behalf of "important people" should disputes arise. The street-level businesses were a conglomeration of shops, restaurants, clothing stores, luxury good shops and service industries geared directly for the well-to-do.

Spacer's Section

The spacers' section was much like the spaceport, but less expensive and a good deal more dangerous. The open air markets filled every street and alleyway, offering goods of questionable origin, from blasters to used starships. Other common businesses were small trade companies that were contacted by other companies that needed anonymous cargo taken somewhere else quickly. Many companies were run or owned by the Nalroni, so deals were seldom generous or entirely upfront. Suspicious people looking for off-world transport were known to frequent this section. Bounty hunters and hired guns were also common, and there were always laborers willing to trade a few weeks work for passage to other worlds.

Transient Residences

Covering a good chunk of the eastern section of the city, these neighborhoods tended to be overcrowded and expensive. While they weren't dangerous in terms of street crime, they were excellent places to "disappear" from sight for a little while. As a consequence, criminals fleeing the law, Imperial draft dodgers, disgruntled corporate types and others with something to hide tended to end up in these neighborhoods.

Trade Consortium and Guild Buildings

The Trade Consortium buildings was one of the few sections where the native Nalroni outnumbered aliens. The trade guild buildings were sprawling, ornate complexes. Everything was garishly decorated with sculptures, holo-art, and treasures of every description. Luxury airspeeders were everywhere, and richly dressed Nalroni merchants, with assistants to attend to every desire, were constantly on the go.

Imperial Military Facilities

The Imperial Military Facilities were the most restricted section of the entire city. The confines of the five- meter tall walls contained spaceport facilities, troop barracks, ammo dumps, armories, and administrative buildings for the Empire. Five full army battle groups were stationed within the city at all times.

Market District

The Market District was an area dedicated to the small trader and merchant where small quantities of goods were sold to speculators and consumers. The goods could then be taken on to other worlds and sold at a profit. This section of the city was appropriate for finding illegally modified weapons, cargoes of illegal spices, inexpensive droid replacement parts, vehicles and much more. Like the spacers' section, shady and dangerous people clustered in this section as well as undercover imperial agents and Alliance cells.

Corporate Zone

The rank and file workers of the corporations were found in this section of the city. The routing of goods was handled by the corporate offices in this sector, as were corporate intelligence networks. Smaller corporations had their headquarters in this section of the city since they couldn't afford the diplomatic sector. The area was relatively safe, with a moderate Imperial presence. Nalroni observed and directed trade everywhere, but it was an excellent section in which to find long-term freight contracts.

Governing Zone

The governing zone is where all of the petty bureaucrats clustered and individuals who had been particularly offensive were reported to institutions.
















