The Ceremonial Mushroom Cutting was an annual event on Gandle Ott. A holdover from the first days of the colony's existence, it symbolized the first imported crops grown for self-sufficiency. The ceremony consisted of cutting the stalks of several cattarash mushrooms, then brewing them into a tea. Then, all present at the ceremony would drink the beverage.
In 8 ABY, the ceremony was performed shortly after the arrival of New Republic representatives from the CR90 corvette FarStar. Several officers from the corvette attended the ceremony, along with Acting-Governor Marja Lang and General Herron Dade. In this case, the ceremony was reinterpreted as a declaration of independence from the Empire.
In 8 ABY, the ceremony was performed shortly after the arrival of New Republic representatives from the CR90 corvette FarStar. Several officers from the corvette attended the ceremony, along with Acting-Governor Marja Lang and General Herron Dade. In this case, the ceremony was reinterpreted as a declaration of independence from the Empire.