Chak juice


Chak juice was considered tasty, and was made from a substance which Ewoks called Chak. This substance came from the Spirit Tree of Endor. The beverage was purplish in color.


During the Ewok Festival of Love of 1.5 ABY, spacers purchased this beverage from Logray in the various celebratory cities, including Theed, Kaadara, Tyrena, and the Southern Ewok Lake Village.

Behind the scenes

In the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, Chak juice was introduced to the game during the Ewok Festival of Love of 2008. In the game, Chak juice could be purchased for 2,000 credits. However, this price was probably a mere game mechanic, and may not reflect the true cost of the beverage. Chak juice was once again sold during subsequent Festival of Love celebrations in 2009, 2010, and 2011.



